Angular 7 Tutorial

Angular 7 is a TypeScript based open-source full-stack web application. In simple words, it is a Javascript framework that is used to create reactive Single Page Applications (SPAs). Being entirely based on components, Angular 7 consists of various components. These components form a tree structure with parent and child components. Angular 1.0 is the very first version of Angular and was known as AngularJS. However, the versions beyond 2+ are known as Angular only. Angular can thus be understood as a complete rewrite of AngularJS. The rewriting is done by the same team that built AngularJS.

The Single Page Application (SPA):

A web application or a website that contains a menu, buttons, and blocks on a single page to facilitate the users with a very fluid, reactive and fast experience similar to a desktop application is known as a Single Page Application. When a user clicks on any of the menu, buttons, or blocks, the current page is dynamically rewritten instead of loading entire new pages from a server, which ultimately results in a reactive fast speed.

Difference between AngularJS and Angular:

Common and popular name of the first version of Angular1.0.Common and popular name of the Angular’s version beyond 2+.
JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework.TypeScript-based open-source full-stack web application framework.
Uses the concept of scope or controller.Uses hierarchy of components as its primary architectural characteristic, instead of scope and controller.
Simple syntax. Used on HTML pages along with the source location.Uses different expression syntax:: “[ ]” for property binding, and “( )” for event binding.
Simple JavaScript file. Used with HTML pages. Doesn’t support the features of a server-side programming language.Uses Microsoft’s TypeScript language. Facilitates Class-based Object Oriented Programming, Static Typing, Generics etc. which are the features of a server-side programming language.
Doesn’t support dynamic loading of the page.Supports dynamic loading of the page.

Angular 7 vs Angular 6 vs Angular 2 vs Angular 1:

The Angular 1, Angular 2, Angular 6 and Angular 7 are the different and popular versions of Angular. The distinguished features of the Angular 1, Angular 2, Angular 6 and Angular 7 are discussed and tabled below.

Angular 1
  • Initially released in 2010.
  • The first Angular version.
  • Created a revolution in the web application development.
  • A browser side JavaScript which was used within HTML code.
  • Popularly known as AngularJS.
Angular 2
  • A complete rewrite of Angular 1.
  • Initially released in 2016.
  • Nothing common with Angular 1 except the core developer’s team.
  • Known as Angular.
Angular 6
  • Very similar to Angular2 and Angular 7.
  • Known as Angular.
Angular 7
  • Very similar to Angular2 and Angular 6.
  • The latest version.
  • Contains the extensive features of Angular2 and Angular6.
  • Known as Angular.

Angular 7 Tutorial

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