unity destroy all children


unity delete all children
 foreach (Transform child in transform) {
unity destroy all children
while (transform.childCount 0) {
Unity Destroy All Children
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how to convert string to bool c#


how to convert string to bool c#
 string sample = "True";
 bool myBool = bool.Parse(sample);


 bool myBool = Convert.ToBoolean(sample);
c# string to bool
Console.WriteLine(Boolean.TryParse("false", out 
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unity movetowards


unity movetowards
float speed;
Vector3 goalPosition;

void Update()
	transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, goalPosition, speed * Time.deltaTime); //goes from the position of the gameObject to the goalPosition 
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how to change an image with code unity


how to change an image with code unity
// Change From GameOject
public GameObject GameObjectWithImage;
public Sprite ImageYouWant;
GameObjectWithImage.GetComponent().sprite = ImageYouWant

// Change From Image
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Unity move left and right


unity move left and right
public float speed = 0.2f

transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x+speed,
	transform.position.y, transform.position.z);

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