capacity(): returns the current capacity of string builder. Capacity refers to the amount of available storage.
public int capacity()
/** * This program is used to show the use of capacity() method. * @author w3spoint */ class TestStringBuilder{ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /** * This method is used to show the use of capacity() method. * @author w3spoint */ public void capacityTest(){ //default capacity. System.out.println(sb.capacity()); sb.append("Hello "); //current capacity 16. System.out.println(sb.capacity()); sb.append(""); //current capacity (16*2)+2=34 i.e (oldcapacity*2)+2. System.out.println(sb.capacity()); } } public class StringBuilderCapacityExample { public static void main(String args[]){ //creating TestStringBuilder object TestStringBuilder obj = new TestStringBuilder(); //method call obj.capacityTest(); } } |
16 16 34 |
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