Central nervous system

The central nervous system consists of two parts of the body which are the brain and the spinal cord. The central nervous system called so because it integrated the information received and influence the activities of whole parts of the body. The olfactory epithelium is the only part of central nervous tissue which is in direct contact with the environment and which opens for treatments like therapeutic treatments. The central nervous system has the brain in cranial activity and the spinal cord in the spinal canal which is contained with the dorsal body cavity, the brain is protected by the skull in vertebrates and in meanings both brain and spinal cord is enclosed.

How the central nervous system developed?

During early development neural tube developed as a longitudinal groove on neural plates which gradually deepens on both side of the groove to become elevated and lastly meet or transforming the groove into that closed tube. Neurulation is known as the formation of the neural tube. Neurogenesis is a process through which the neural stem cells multiply and generate neurons. The rise in brain and spinal is given by neural tube. This is a very precise way to describe how these nerves or particularly this central nervous system developed.

Structure of the central nervous system

There are two main structures in the central nervous system first is the brain which is encased by the skull and protected by cranium and in the continuous with the brain, there is spinal cord and lies caudally to the brain and protected by vertebrae.

As studied microscopically there is a difference between neurons and tissue of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system as the central nervous system is composed of white and grey matter and not just microscopically but it is also seen macroscopically on the brain tissue. Both consist of the supporting cells which are also known as a glial cell of the central nervous system. The brain as in the cerebrum, as well as midbrain and hindbrain, consist of cortex consisting of gray matter composed of neuron bodies.

What disease can the central nervous system cause?

Recently there are so many diseases or infection such as encephalitis and poliomyelitis and early disorders including ADHD and autism also some severe diseases like Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis or acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and lastly the most dangerous disease which is cancer and can take place without having or giving symptoms.

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