Classification of Vitamins

The vitamins are classified based on their solubility. Some vitamins are soluble in the fats and some are soluble in the water. Vitamin, A, D, E, and K are solubilized easily in the fats and they are stored in the body. Vitamin C and B complex vitamins are soluble in the water. They are not stored in the body but are easily flushed out.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

The classification of the vitamins is based on their solubility. In other words, they are classified on their ability to be dissolved in other substances. The vitamins that are dissolved in the fats are the fat-soluble vitamins. They are easily stored in the body so they can be stored with the fats. Their accumulation is beneficial as they can be saved for later use. Four different vitamins are soluble in the fat and they are extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. They are best absorbed in the body by consuming the foods which are higher in the fat contents. After absorbing into the body, they are stored in the liver and fatty tissues. All of the fat-soluble vitamins have various important functions in the human body and the people who lack the fat-soluble vitamins need supplementation to boost up their supply according to the body needs. However, they should not be consumed in greater amounts as it may cause toxicity and lead to adverse reactions.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

The vitamins, that are not soluble in the fats are categorized as the water-soluble vitamins. The environment of the human body is watery so they can be easily moved throughout the body and can be flushed with ease in the urine. So, these vitamins are not stored in the body, and there is a need to replenish them daily. In the human diet, nine vitamins are water-soluble and they are riboflavin, thiamine, pantothenic acid, niacin, biotin, vitamin c, cobalamin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B9. Thiamine that is vitamin B1 was the first water-soluble vitamin, that was scientifically described. Riboflavin is also known as vitamin B2 and it is extensively used for food coloring. It is yellow in the color and is the dietary substance. Niacin is the only water-soluble vitamin in the body that can be produced from another nutrient amino acid tryptophan. These vitamins have important roles in the human body and the classification of vitamins has causes the ease of choosing the consumption of vitamins.


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