Effect of Gravity on Fluid Pressure

The weight of those molecules is also larger close to the surface, as the gravity is bigger. Now, once we move towards higher altitudes, the force of gravity decrease that in turn decrease the density of air and also the weight of the molecules. This implies that the gas pressure is a smaller amount compared to that at lower altitudes.

The force of gravitation because of Earth is much larger nearer to the earth’s surface than to a higher place. This makes the molecules of air pack closely to every other and so the density of air is far larger close to the surface. A load of those molecules is also bigger close to the surface, as the gravity is greater. Now, once we move towards higher altitudes, the force of gravity decrease that successively decrease the density of air and also the weight of the molecules. This implies that the gas pressure is a smaller amount compared to that at lower altitudes


Gravity affects all matter within the same approach. Any particle that has mass will bend the area time curve.

Coming to the particular case of fluids that we usually use or see all fluid posses a particular element of energy referred to as potential energy. This can be given by the product of mass, acceleration because of gravity and also the height of the fluid column. In short, gravity affects fluids in an equivalent manner it affects the solids. The measure of the impact of gravity on the fluid may be given by

P = m * g * h


M is the mass of the fluid

P is the pressure, force per unit space exerted on the mass of the fluid

g is that the acceleration because of gravity

H is the height of the liquid column

From this relation, it should be understood that the Force with which the fluid is affected by gravity may be a function of mass, acceleration because of gravity and also the height of the liquid column.

The impact of gravity on the fluid within the static fluid subjected to gravity pressures increase linearly with depth at a rate up to specific weights of fluid. … At depth h, let pressure at P1 that is same on the horizontal line as there’s no force on horizontal and P2 be pressure at depth h + DH.

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