Family Solanaceae

It is commonly called the potatao family. They are widely distributed in tropics, subtropics and temperate regions.

Vegetative characters

HabitatPlants mostly herbs, shrubs and rarely small trees.

StemHerbaceous, rarely Woody, Aerial; Erect, Cylindrical, Branched, Solid or Hollow, Hair or Glabrous, Underground stem in Potato (Solanum Tuberosum)
LeavesLeaves: alternate, simple, rarely pinnately compound, Exstipulate; venation reticulate.
RootBranched tap root system.

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Floral characters

InflorescenceSolitary, axillary or cymose as in Solanum.
FlowerBisexual, actinomorphic.
CalyxSepals 5, United (gamosepalous), Persistent, Valvate Aestivation.
CorollaPetals 5, United (gamopetalous); Valvate Aestivation.
AndroeciumStamens 5, Epipetalous.
GynoeciumBicarpellary Obligately placed, Syncarpous; Ovary superior, Bilocular, Placenta swollen with many ovules, Axile placentataion.
SeedMany, Endospermous.

Floral Formula:


Floral Diagram:


Economic Importance

Members of this group yield vegetables, medicines and ornamentals.

Vegetables: Tomato, Brinjal, Potato, Chilli.

Medicine: Belladonna, Ashwagandha, Datura

Ornamental: Petunia (Queen Of The Night)


It is commonly called the ‘Lily Family’. It is a characteristic representative of monocot plants. They have a cosmopolitan distribution.

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Vegetative characters

HabitatPerennial herbs with underground bulbs, corms or rhizomes.
StemHerbaceous or Woody, Aerial and Underground.
LeavesBasal, Alternate, Linear, Exstipulate With Parallel Venation
RootUsually adventitious, sometimes tuberous.

Floral characters

InflorescenceSolitary or cymose; Umbellate clusters.
FlowerBisexual, actinomorphic.
PerianthTepals six (3+3), United into a tube, Valvate Aestivation.
AndroeciumStamens six (3+3), Epipetalous.
GynoeciumTricarpellary, Syncarpous; Ovary superior, Trilocular, many ovules, Axile placentataion.
FruitCapsule, rarely berry.

Floral Formula:

Floral Diagram:

Economic Importance

Members of this group are widely used as ornamentals.

Food: Onion, Garlic, Asparagus.

Fibres: Yucca, Phormium tenax.

Medicine: Aloe vera, Gloriosa, Urginea, Asparagus, Smilax Colchicum.

Ornamental: Tulips, Lillies, Asparagus, Gloriosa, Yucca.


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