Future Progressive (Continuous) Tense

The affirmative future continuous tense.

It consists of:

The subject + will + be + infinitive + (-ing)

For example:

From 5 to 7 PM tomorrow, my mother will be visiting her friend.


The negative future continuous tense consists of:

The subject + will not (won’t) + be + infinitive + (-ing)

For example:

From 13th to 20th of next December, I will not be attending school.


The interrogative future continuous tense:

How to make questions using the future continuous tense:

Will + the subject (noun/ pronoun) + be + infinitive + (-ing) + the rest of the sentence?

For example:

The question: Will your colleagues be camping from Saturday to Monday next week?

The answer: Yes, they will be camping. / No, they will not be camping.

Note: questions made with question words (how, when, where, why, etc,) are constructed as follows:

Question word + will + the subject + be + infinitive+(-ing)+ the rest of the sentence?

For example:

The question: Where will they be camping from Saturday to Monday next week?

The answer: Next week from Saturday to Monday, they will be camping in the woods.


When to use the future continuous tense?

Words that express the future continuous tense:

The future continuous tense is used to make predictions about something that will be completed within a specific time in the future.

In this pattern, it always comes with the next expression:

From (time) to (time) in the future.

For example:

  1. From 4 to 8 PM tomorrow, I will be cooking for the party.
  2. From Tuesday to Friday next week, my friends will be travelling abroad.
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