Human Evolution


About six million years ago, human evolution begins in Africa, and there is a long process of the changes, from which our ancestors went through and ultimately, they became modern human beings. The study of fossils helps to uncover this process and the underlying theory of evolution. The theory of human evolution is extremely messy. Each fragment of the bone adds the new puzzle.

The modern human beings are considered as the branching of a tree or a twig that dates back to millions of years ago. Generally saying, human evolution is the process by which human beings are developed from the now-extinct primates on the earth. According to the zoological point of view, human beings are upright walking, and the culture bearing species. The scientific evidence has revealed that the behavioral, and the physical traits are shared by all people as they originate from the apelike ancestors, and gradually evolved throughout million years ago.


It is the scientific discipline to study human evolution. It is not a sperate science but a subdivision of anthropology, the study of human culture, biology, and society. This field involves the studies and the understandings of the differences, and the similarities between human beings and the other species, in their genes, physiology, behavior, and body form. This branch aims to study the roots of human evolution. It is an exciting scientific field due to the due to the investigation of the origin of human beings.

The Process of Evolution

It involves a series of natural changes, that lead to the formation of the species, adaptation to the environment, and the reasons for their survival and to become extinct. All the organisms including human beings are evolved due to the changes in the genetic material which is inherited from parents to the offspring in a population. Single individuals are not changed by the evolution, instead, the inherited changes cause the change in the growth and development attributes of a population. Those inherited characters are passed which improves the survival chances, and the abilities to give the birth, under the changing environmental conditions.

The human population took place due to the changes in the genetic variation of their ancestors which favored the new changes, and abilities, for adaptation towards the changing environment, and in this way, the human way of life was altered. Many scientists have stated that 15-20 different species of early humans, existed in ancient times.



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