Java Queue tutorial

A queue is an ADT – Abstract Data Type or a linear data structure. It is a FIFO data structure because element inserted first will be removed first. FIFO stands for First-in-first-out. Queue use one end to insert data which is called REAR or tail and other end to remove the data which is called FRONT or head.

Queue operations

  • enqueue(): Insert an item to the queue.
  • dequeue(): Remove an item from the queue.
  • peek(): Get the top data element of the queue, without removing it.
  • isFull(): Check if queue is full.
  • isEmpty(): Check if queue is empty.

Queue states

  • Overflow state: A queue is in overflow state if it does not contain enough space to accept an entity to be inserted.
  • Underflow state: A queue is in underflow state if we want to operate stack with dequeue operation and the queue is empty.

Java Queue examples

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