jQuery is a fast, small, lightweight, cross-platform and feature-rich JavaScript library. jQuery provides various features that makes web development very quick and easy. Some of the basic and unique features of jquery are listed below:
- Very fast and extensible.
- Versatile.
- Small and lightweight.
- Platform-independent.
- Easy to learn; coding style same as JavaScript.
- Provides cross-browser support; do not require extra lines of code especially for this.
- Provides excellent online API documentation.
- Unobtrusive; support separation between HTML and jQuery code.
- Facilitates minimum possible lines UI code.
- Improves the performance of any application.
- Write less and Do more; facilitates readable codes with less number of lines as compared to Javascript.
- Simplifies AJAX call and DOM manipulation.
Important features of jQuery library:
- HTML manipulation
- DOM manipulation
- DOM element selection
- Events equivalent to DOM events
- Cross-browser support
- Utilities
- HTML event methods
- CSS manipulation
- Effects and Animations
- JSON Parsing
- Extensibility through plug-ins
jQuery tutorial
- What is jQuery?
- jQuery History
- jQuery examples
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery hide()
- jQuery show()
- jQuery toggle()
- jQuery fadeIn()
- jQuery fadeOut()
- jQuery fadeToggle()
- jQuery fadeTo()
- jQuery slideDown()
- jQuery slideUp()
- jQuery slideToggle()
- jQuery animate()
- jQuery delay()
- jQuery html()
- jQuery text()
- jQuery val()
- jQuery css()
- jQuery before()
- jQuery prepend()
- jQuery after()
- jQuery insertAfter()
- jQuery append()
- jQuery appendTo()
- jQuery clone()
- jQuery remove()
- jQuery empty()
- jQuery detach()
- jQuery scrollTop()
- jQuery attr()
- jQuery prop()
- jQuery offset()
- jQuery position()
- jQuery addClass()
- jQuery hasClass()
- jQuery toggleClass()
- jQuery width()
- jQuery height()
- jQuery innerWidth()
- jQuery innerHeight()
- jQuery outerWidth()
- jQuery outerHeight()
- jQuery wrap()
- jQuery wrapInner()
- jQuery wrapAll()
- jQuery unwrap()
- jQuery Form
- jQuery serialize()
- jQuery serializeArray()
- jQuery Events tutorial
- jQuery click()
- jQuery bind()
- jQuery blur()
- jQuery focus()
- jQuery select()
- jQuery change()
- jQuery submit()
- jQuery keydown()
- jQuery keypress()
- jQuery keyup()
- jQuery mouseenter()
- jQuery mouseleave()
- jQuery hover()
- jQuery mousedown()
- jQuery mouseup()
- jQuery mouseover()
- jQuery mouseout()
- jQuery load()
- jQuery unload()
- jQuery delegate()