JSP session implicit object

JSP session object is an instance of javax.servlet.http.HttpSession. This object is used to for session tracking or session management.



		<form action="welcome.jsp">
			<input type="text" name="userName" />
			<input type="submit" value="login"/>


		<title>session implicit object example</title>
			String userName=request.getParameter("userName");
			     session.setAttribute("userName", userName);
			     out.print("Wrong username.");  


		<h3>This is user's home page.</h3>
		   String userName = 
		   out.print("Logged in user: " + userName);




jsp example 23 login
Enter UserName: jai
jsp example 23 value
Click on login button.
jsp example 23 display
Download this example.
Next Topic: JSP pageContext implicit object with example.
Previous Topic: JSP application implicit object with example.

Related Topics:

JSP implicit objects with example.
JSP out implicit object with example.
JSP request implicit Object with example.
JSP response implicit object with example.
JSP config implicit object with example.
JSP application implicit object with example.
JSP session implicit object with example.
JSP pageContext implicit object with example.
JSP page implicit object with example.
JSP exception implicit object with example.


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