JSTL fmt:formatNumber Formatting Tag

The JSTL <fmt:formatNumber> Formatting Tag is used for formatting the numbers, currencies and percentages.


<fmt:formatNumber value=”val” otherattributes />

fmt:formatNumber tag attributes:

valueIt specify the numeric value to display.Yes
patternIt specify a custom formatting pattern for the output..No
currencyCodeCurrency code (for type=”currency”).No
currencySymbolCurrency symbol (for type=”currency”).No
groupingUsedIt specify whether to group numbers (TRUE or FALSE).No
maxIntegerDigitsIt specify the maximum number of integer digits to print.No
minIntegerDigitsIt specify the minimum number of integer digits to print.No
maxFractionDigitsIt specify the maximum number of fractional digits to print.No
minFractionDigitsIt specify the minimum number of fractional digits to print.No
varIt specify the name of the variable to store the formatted number.No
scopeIt specify the scope of the variable to store the formatted numberNo



<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt" %>
	<title>fmt:formatNumber JSTL formatting tag example</title>
    <c:set var="num" value="324123.23234"/>
    Number after setting type attribute: <br/>
    <fmt:formatNumber value="${num}" type="currency"/> <br/>
    Number after setting maxIntegerDigits and maxFractionDigits attribute:
    <fmt:formatNumber type="number" maxIntegerDigits="4" 
    maxFractionDigits="3" value="${num}" /> <br/>
    Number after setting pattern attribute: <br/>
    <fmt:formatNumber type="number" pattern="##,###.##" value="${num}" />




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