ListIterator interface is used to traverse the elements in both forward and backward directions.
Note: Can traverse elements in both forward and backward directions.
Commonly Used methods of ListIterator Interface:
1. hasNext(): Returns true if iterator has more elements in forward direction otherwise returns false.
Syntax: public boolean hasNext().
2. next(): Returns the element and point to the next element.
Syntax: public object next().
3. hasPrevious(): Returns true if iterator has more elements in back direction otherwise returns false.
Syntax: public boolean hasPrevious().
4. previous(): Returns the element and point to the previous element.
Syntax: public object ne previous().
ListIterator interface example:
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ListIterator; /** * This class is used to show the ListIterator functionality. * @author w3spoint */ public class ListIteratorTest { public static void main(String args[]){ //Create ArrayList object. ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); //Add objects to the HashSet. arrayList.add("Amani"); arrayList.add("Prabhjot"); arrayList.add("Nidhi"); arrayList.add("Vandana"); arrayList.add("Poonam"); //Get the ListIterator object. ListIterator listIterator=arrayList.listIterator(); //Print the ArrayList elements in forward direction. System.out.println("ArrayList elements in " + "forward direction:"); while(listIterator.hasNext()){ System.out.println(; } //Print the ArrayList elements in backward direction. System.out.println("ArrayList elements in " + "backward direction:"); while(listIterator.hasPrevious()){ System.out.println(listIterator.previous()); } } } |
ArrayList elements in forward direction: Amani Prabhjot Nidhi Vandana Poonam ArrayList elements in backward direction: Poonam Vandana Nidhi Prabhjot Amani |
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