Log4j Logger class

Logger class:

Logger class provides the methods for logging process. We can use the getLogger() method to get the Logger object.

public static Logger getLogger(String name);

Where name is the fully qualified class name.

Logging methods:

1. debug(Object message): It is used to print the message with the level Level.DEBUG.

public void debug(Object message)

2. error(Object message): It is used to print the message with the level Level.ERROR.

public void error(Object message)

3. info(Object message): It is used to print the message with the level Level.INFO.

public void info(Object message)

4. fatal(Object message): It is used to print the message with the level Level.FATAL.

public void fatal(Object message)

5. warn(Object message): It is used to print the message with the level Level.WARN.

public void warn(Object message)

6. trace(Object message): It is used to print the message with the level Level.TRACE.

public void trace(Object message)

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