Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)


The termination of pregnancy by the medical ways is also known as abortion and women are required to take the pills at a separate time. In the medical termination of pregnancy, two medications are involved, the first one is mifepristone and the second is misoprostol. Timings are advised by the doctor or by the nurse. The function of mifepristone is to stop the development of a pregnancy, while the use of misoprostol aims to trigger the uterus, to make it empty. And this process will begin after 1-4 hours of taking this pill. As a result, women will experience, bleeding, and cramping, and it may be like having unusually heavy periods. Some women may feel the severe cramping, while for some it is usual. Within 4-5 hours of taking this medication, the pregnancy tissues will be passed from the body, and in some cases, it may take them more time.

Vacuum Aspiration

It is a type of surgical abortion, that involves the suction of the genitals to terminate the pregnancy. Typically, it is recommended by the doctors during the first trimester.

Dilation and Evacuation

This type of surgical abortion is commonly used during the second trimester.

Labor Induction Termination of Pregnancy

It is the last term method for ending the pregnancy, and may also be used in the second or third trimester. It involves the medications to start labor pain. These medications can be taken by the mouth, or they may be injected to the uterus by the doctor.

Disadvantages of Medical Termination of Pregnancy

Some disadvantages are associated with medical termination of pregnancy, and one needs to be careful while choosing this method.

  • It may cause severe complications.
  • For this treatment, one needs to visit the clinic.
  • It may result in painful cramping.
  • Sometimes, it may not be effective.


Recovery from the medical termination of pregnancy involves the following.

  • Special checkup with the doctor, for monitoring of the pregnancy.
  • Sometimes, the bleeding and spotting may last for several weeks.
  • Resting for a few hours to a few weeks, or even for a month.
  • Use of antibiotics for preventing the infection.


Some women may have to experience the side effects of the medication for medical termination of pregnancy. They may have to suffer from nausea, dizziness, fatigue, heavy vaginal bleeding, mild fever, diarrhea, rupture of the uterus, cervical injury, hemorrhage, vomiting, and infection.



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