Mood in English Grammar

When we discuss the term mood in English grammar specifically it is not referring to any emotion or act through any mean. In English grammar, the word mood of the verbs refers to if something is factual or not. The intention and feeling of the writer are portrayed through their mood of verbs.

The mood in English literature is classified into three types mainly and each of them is used to perform a particular function.

  • Indicative mood
  • Imperative mood
  • Subjunctive mood


Indicative Mood

This type of mood is used for making a firm statement or while demanding a statement through a question. Indicative mood helps the reader or the listener to understand the factual data and the nature of the statement can be either factual or assumed to be factual.


  • Picasso was the greatest artist.
  • I am leaving for Dubai.


Imperative Mood

When a verb is transformed into a command or a request it makes the sentence turn into an imperative mood. In such cases, the second person of the subject is used only and usually, the subject remains unidentified.


  • Do this work by today.
  • Get me a cup of tea.


Subjunctive Mood

The mood that determines the possibility and hypothetical statements are known as a subjunctive mood. It is nearly the inverse of the indicative mood and often jumbles up the tense of the verbs and goes against the common usage of tenses.

Subjunctive consist of various structures linked with other structures of sentences

Conditional commonly uses the subjunctive mood


  • If I was the owner of this restaurant I would have been so famous.


Some certain verbs + that (conjunction) mandates the next clause to use the subjunctive mood and the base form of the verb is used in it.


The verbs are:

Propose – stipulate – command – recommend  Suggest – decree – order – request 
– urge – move - Advise – demand – prefer – require – ask – insist



Subject + the verbs of the above box (any tense) + THAT + subject + base verb +.  .  .  .  .



  • The situation demanded that he gets serious about his life.



There are a few clauses that need the verb of the next clause to be in the base form

The clauses are:

It is/was + past participle form of the verb of the above box + THAT
It is/was urgent + THAT
It is/was necessary + THAT
It is/was important + THAT



  • It was important that everyone knew the code of conduct.
  • It is essential for humans to drink water.
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