
Nephritis is a medical condition characterized by the inflammation of the kidneys. The kidneys are a number of the foremost hard-working organs within the body, except for the heart. They filter around fifty gallons of blood on a usual, 5 gallons of which are waste products that are excreted from the body through urine.

When the kidneys operate usually, the rest of the body is continuously supplied with “clean” oxygen-rich blood. However, once the kidneys become inflamed, they are unable to effectively filter the blood. If it’s not treated properly, the kidneys go into a critical condition and ultimatelyfail. Kidney failure could be a serious condition as a result of waste product build up within the blood, poisoning other organs.

To prevent this from happening, the patient is needed to do dialysis, which is a process which means, kidneys perform their function but it is through mechanical means.There are different types of nephritis. Each type is based on the part of the kidney that has been affected with the condition. The three main areas commonly affected are the glomeruli, tubule, and interstitial renal tissue.

Glomerulonephritis: In this situation inflammation of the tiny capillaries in the kidneys called glomeruli happens, its task is to filter blood.

Interstitial kidney disease:If the inflammation doesn’t have an effect on the glomeruli, it will likely affect the area between the nephrons called the renal interstitium, which then results in a condition called opening nephritis, generally named as tubulointerstitial nephropathy.

Pyelonephritis: The waste product excreted from the blood are passed on to the bladder through tubes known as ureters. In some cases, inflammation begins at the bladder and travels up the ureters to the kidneys. This condition is referred to as pyelonephritis.



Each form of nephritis has its own set of causes.

The exact causes of nephritis are nonetheless to be know.

Pyelonephritis is mostly caused by the bacteria escherichia coli (E. coli). E. coli resides in the intestines and can cause infections in the kidneys. Other than E. coli, the opposite notable causes of urinary tract infection are kidney stones, the use of a cystoscope to view the inside of the bladder, and actual surgery on the bladder, ureters, or kidneys.

Interstitial kidney disease is usually caused by a hypersensitive reaction to bound medications. Taking medications for a protracted amount and having low levels of potassium within the blood are notable causes.


Although there are differing kinds of nephropathy, which are also caused by different factors, the symptoms they display are often similar. The most common symptoms are:



-Cloudy urine with blood or pus

-Abdominal pain that reaches the kidney area

-Urinating frequently, but with difficulty each time

-Swelling (edema), especially in the upper and lower extremities and facial area

-Frequent vomiting


-Drinking lots of water

-Antibiotics and painkillers

-Healthy lifestyle

-Reduction of sodium intake

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