Oracle database often called as Oracle RDBMS, OracleDB, or simply Oracle is a relational database management system, developed and marketed by the Oracle Corporation. The Oracle Corporation is a software company, also known as one of the biggest providers in the database business. It has earned its reputation because of various reasons. The Oracle database is the first to support SQL. And not only that, SQL has since grown as an industry standard. Microsoft’s SQL Server is the rival that the Oracle database competes with, thus giving it some more reasons to endeavour for being one of the most esteemed and extensively used relational database engines.
After being developed in 1977 by Lawrence (Larry) Ellison and his two friends and former colleagues, Oracle database currently operates on the most influential platforms like Windows, UNIX, Linux and Mac OS. Designed for enterprise grid computing, it is the first database that presents the most adaptable and cost-effective approach to manage data and applications. There are various editions of the Oracle database that certainly includes, Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, Express Edition and Oracle Lite.
Enterprise Edition is known to be an exceptionally robust and reliable edition, thus offering some unique yet important features of superior performance and remarkably solid security. When it comes to Standard Edition, it has its own advantages which ultimately provides the base functionality for users. The standard edition does not require the Enterprise Edition’s exceptionally robust package. Much like the other two editions of the Oracle database, Express Edition also known as XE is also designed for some unique properties, thus making it as a lightweight and free edition. It is also one of the limited Windows and Linux editions. The fourth edition of Oracle database was developed for mobile devices, thus giving it the name Oracle Lite.
Oracle tutorial
- ORACLE Introduction
- CREATE TABLE in Oracle
- SQLERRM function in Oracle
- SQLCODE function in Oracle
- USERENV function in Oracle
- ACOS function in Oracle
- ADD_MONTHS function in Oracle
- ALTER TABLE in Oracle
- ANTI JOIN in Oracle
- ASCII function in Oracle
- ASCIISTR function in Oracle
- ASIN function in Oracle
- ATAN function in Oracle
- ATAN2 function in Oracle
- AVG function in Oracle
- BFILENAME function in Oracle
- ABS function in Oracle
- BIN_TO_NUM function in Oracle
- BITAND function in Oracle
- CARDINALITY function in Oracle
- CASE function in Oracle
- CAST function in Oracle
- CEIL function in Oracle
- CHARTOROWID function in Oracle
- CHR function in Oracle
- COALESCE function in Oracle
- COMPOSE function in Oracle
- CONCAT with function in Oracle
- CONCAT function in Oracle
- CONVERT function in Oracle
- CORR function in Oracle
- COS function in Oracle
- COUNT function in Oracle
- COVAR_POP function in Oracle
- COVAR_SAMP function in Oracle
- VIEW in Oracle
- CROSS JOIN in Oracle
- CUME_DIST function in Oracle
- CURRENT_DATE in Oracle
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function in Oracle
- DBTIMEZONE function in Oracle
- DECODE function in Oracle
- DECOMPOSE function in Oracle
- DENSE_RANK function in Oracle
- DROP TABLE in Oracle
- DUMP function in Oracle
- EMPTY_BLOB function in Oracle
- EMPTY_CLOB function in Oracle
- EQUI JOIN in Oracle
- EXP function in Oracle
- EXTRACT function in Oracle
- FIRST_VALUE function in Oracle
- FLOOR function in Oracle
- FROM_TZ function in Oracle
- GREATEST function in Oracle
- GROUP_ID function in Oracle
- HEXTORAW function in Oracle
- INITCAP function in Oracle
- INNER JOIN in Oracle
- INSTR function in Oracle
- INSTR2 function in Oracle
- VARIANCE function in Oracle
- VAR_SAMP function in Oracle
- VAR_POP function in Oracle
- USER function in Oracle
- UID function in Oracle
- TZ_OFFSET function in Oracle
- TRUNC (numbers) function in Oracle
- TRUNC (dates) function in Oracle
- TO_YMINTERVAL function in Oracle
- TO_TIMESTAMP_TZ function in Oracle
- TO_TIMESTAMP function in Oracle
- TO_SINGLE_BYTE function in Oracle
- TO_NUMBER function in Oracle
- TO_NCLOB function in Oracle
- TO_MULTI_BYTE function in Oracle
- TO_LOB function in Oracle
- TO_DSINTERVAL function in Oracle
- TO_DATE function in Oracle
- TO_CLOB function in Oracle
- TO_CHAR function in Oracle
- TANH function in Oracle
- TAN function in Oracle
- SYSTIMESTAMP function in Oracle
- SYSDATE function in Oracle
- SYS_CONTEXT function in Oracle
- SQRT function in Oracle
- SESSIONTIMEZONE function in Oracle
- LOG function in Oracle
- LAST_DAY function in Oracle
- LEAST function in Oracle
- LENGTH function in Oracle
- LENGTH2 function in Oracle
- INSTR4 function in Oracle
- INSTRB function in Oracle
- INSTRC function in Oracle
- LAG function in Oracle
- LAST_VALUE function in Oracle
- LEAD function in Oracle
- LENGTH4 function in Oracle
- LENGTHB function in Oracle
- LENGTHC function in Oracle
- LISTAGG function in Oracle
- LN function in Oracle
- LNNVL function in Oracle
- LOCALTIMESTAMP function in Oracle
- MAX function in Oracle
- MEDIAN function in Oracle
- MIN function in Oracle
- MOD function in Oracle
- MONTHS_BETWEEN function in Oracle
- NANVL function in Oracle
- NEW_TIME function in Oracle
- NEXT_DAY function in Oracle
- NULLIF function in Oracle
- NUMTODSINTERVAL function in Oracle
- NUMTOYMINTERVAL function in Oracle
- NVL function in Oracle
- NVL2 function in Oracle
- POWER function in Oracle
- POWER function in Oracle
- STDDEV function in Oracle
- NTH_VALUE function in Oracle
- SINH function in Oracle
- SIN function in Oracle
- SIGN function in Oracle
- SEMI JOIN in Oracle
- ROUND (numbers) function in Oracle
- CURSOR in Oracle
- DELETE query in Oracle
- DISTINCT clause in Oracle
- DROP TRIGGER in Oracle
- FROM clause in Oracle
- FUNCTION in Oracle
- SUM function in Oracle
- SELF JOIN in Oracle
- ROUND (dates) function in Oracle
- REMAINDER function in Oracle
- JOINS in Oracle
- RANK function in Oracle
- RAWTOHEX function in Oracle
- TRIGGER in Oracle
- COSH function in Oracle
- HAVING clause in Oracle
- INSERT ALL in Oracle
- INSERT query in Oracle
- GROUP BY clause in Oracle
- MINUS in Oracle
- ORDER BY clause in Oracle
- PROCEDURE in Oracle
- INTERSECT operator in Oracle
- QUERIES in Oracle
- SELECT query in Oracle
- UNION ALL in Oracle
- UPDATE Query in Oracle
- UNION in Oracle
- OUTER JOIN in Oracle
- REGEXP_COUNT function in Oracle
- ROWNUM in Oracle