

Parthenocarpy is seen in plants as a relatively unusual condition which does occur in some of the common fruit. This circumstance occurs when the ovary of a flower develops into a fruit without any fertilization. It resulted in a seedless fruit. Now, what is Parthenocarpy? The word ‘Parthenocarpy’ comes from the Greek word meaning virgin fruit. parthenocarpy In both botany and horticulture is the natural or artificially induced production of fruit without fertilization of ovules, that makes the fruit seedless. Stenospermocarpy or parthenocarpy may also produce apparently seedless fruit, but the seeds are actually aborted while they are still small. Parthenocarpy or stenospermocarpy occasionally occurs as a mutation in nature; if it affects every flower the plant can no longer sexually reproduce but can be able to propagate by apomixis or by vegetative means. The study from cultivated plants, parthenocarpy is showed with plant hormones like gibberellic acid. It usually causes ovaries to mature without fertilization and produces bigger fruits. This process has been introduced to all kinds of crops from squash to cucumber and more.

This is also a natural process in the case of bananas. Bananas are being sterile and developed no viable ovaries. They don’t produce seeds, which simply mean they must propagate vegetatively. Pineapples and figs are also other examples of parthenocarpy which occur naturally  parthenocarpy does work in vegetative parthenocarpy in plants, like pear and fig, take place without pollination.


As it HSS been discovered through research, pollination leads to fertilization, so in the absence of pollination, no seeds can form. And stimulative parthenocarpy as a process where pollination is required but no fertilization takes place. It usually occurs when a wasp inserts its ovipositor into the ovary of a flower. It can be simulated by blowing air or growth hormones into the unisexual flowers found inside something refers to syconium. This syconium is basically the flasks shaped structure lined with the unisexual flowers. Growth regulating hormones, when is been used on crops, also halt the fertilization process. In some crop plants, this does occur due to genome manipulation. There are benefits that attached to Parthenocarpy process, one of which, it allows the grower to keep insect pests from his crop without chemicals. This is possible because no pollinating insect is required for fruit formation so the plants could be covered to prevent the bad insects from attacking the crop. This is a significant improvement.



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