Plant cell vs Animal cell

Differences between a Plant cell & Animal cell

Plant cellAnimal cell
A plant cell is usually larger in size.Animal cell is comparatively smaller in size
It is enclosed by a rigid cell wallThe plasma membrane is surrounded by a complex extracellular matrix
It contains a large central vacuoleAn animal cell often possesses many small vacuoles
Plastids are presentPlastids are absent
Nucleus lies on one side in the peripheral cytoplasmNucleus usually lies in the centre
Centrioles are usually absentCentrioles are present
Lysosomes are rare. Their activity is performed by specialised vacuolesLysosomes are always present
Glyoxysomes may be presentGlyoxysomes are absent
Reserve food is generally in the form of starch or fatReserve food is usually glycogen and fat
Crystals of inorganic substances may occur inside the cellCrystals are usually absent

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