Pollution due to industrial wastes

With the industrial revolution, the world had been through great changes ascending towards the 21st century. This is the age of advanced science and technology that has answers to probably anything. With all these changes in the queue, the level of industrial pollution has also been noted to be continuously increasing.

What is industrial pollution?

While there are several different types of pollution, industrial pollution is any sort of contamination that may be caused due to industrial waste materials. This is considerably a great issue since; there had been various effects on the environmental cycles that aren’t negligible. Industrial pollution has been noted to have effects that include water contamination, release of toxins into the soil and the air which could subsequently cause various environmental disasters and disturb natural cycles.


Causes of Industrial Pollution

With the rapid increase in the industrial and manufacturing activities, you would probably not be short of reasons or causes of industrial population. Listed below are a few:

  • Lack of pollution control policies: Lack of effective policies and inefficient enforcement of appropriate laws for pollution control by industries that may be causing pollution massively.
  • Unplanned Industrial Growth: there are numerous townships where industrial growth has been taken up in an unplanned manner resulting in considerable water pollution with the toxins that would be released.
  • Outdated technologies: Most of the industries are still dependent on very old technologies that fail to check out pollution control. The companies still using traditional technologies often create more space for pollution.
  • Increasing number of industries: With every new day that passes by, the number of small industries are increasing, leading to increased level of pollution.
  • Inefficient waste disposal: Disposal of untreated industrial waste into the air and water bodies results into their contamination causing serious diseases.


Effects of industrial pollution

  • Water pollution: Most of the industries generally require large amount of water for their operations. These processing include harmful wastes, organic sludge, heavy metals, and radioactive materials which are dumped into the rivers or oceans, destroying the ecosystems.
  • Soil pollution: soil pollution affects local vegetation, contaminating the soil with unwanted elements. It also causes serious health hazards to people coming in direct contact with the soil.
  • Air Pollution: with the release of toxic elements into the air every person breathing in such atmosphere is prone to various respiratory diseases.
  • Global Warming and Wildlife Destruction: Increasing the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, industrial pollution has been causing global warming at a great level. The various natural disasters that are happening around due to this sudden change in the temperature are disturbing ecosystems, causing considerable destruction for wildlife.


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