Visceral nervous system

The visceral nervous system also is known as the autonomic nervous system which controls many involuntary functions of the body like arterial blood pressure regulation, pupillary, and heart rate. A large amount of energy of this nerve goes to the psychological systems which require ongoing assessment and correction. The visceral or autonomic nervous system is divided into two limbs which are, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. They both share parts of autonomic pathways within the central and peripheral nervous systems. There is only one difference between the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system is the different pathways consist of two neurons in a series between the central neuron system and a target cell.

What is caffeine and how it can affect this system?

Caffeine is a bioactive ingredient that is commonly found in beverages like coffee, tea, and soda. An effect it has on the human body for the short term is high blood pressure and sympathetic nervous system. When people consume caffeinated espresso it increases parasympathetic outflow, this is because caffeine increases the working capacity of an individual and it boosts their energy to do the work. Further studies state that after the exercise effect of this caffeine may be found and one can feel dizziness and lower the energy.

Functions of the visceral nervous system

There are two parts of the visceral nervous system sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system and they both function in opposite directions from each other. In another language sympathetic is an accelerator and parasympathetic is brake which means if they are working in the opposite direction it is great and complimentary also. The parasympathetic nervous system works when the body or organs does not need any immediate requirement of action on another hand sympathetic nervous system requires a quick response. In other terms, the sympathetic nervous system is known as fight and flight system and parasympathetic is known as rest and digest or feed and breed system.

What is the enteric nervous system?

It is an intrinsic nervous system of the gastrointestinal system and it is also described as the second brain of the human body. Its functions are to sense mechanical and chemical changes in the gut, controlling the movements and regulation secretion in the gut, Along with these system neurotransmitters also functions at the effector organs with the exception of adrenal medulla and awe at glands.

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